Stats / Players Summary Stats / Derek Helton

Player's Machine Stats:
Machine Avg Score Median Score High Score Low Score Avg Points Plays First Played Last Played
007 Thunderball (Dave) 18,768,565 18,768,565.0 37,537,130 0 2.0 2 04/13/23 08/24/23
Aerosmith (Dave) 9,341,950 9,341,950 9,341,950 9,341,950 3.0 1 05/18/23 05/18/23
Alien (Canal) 12,173,456 13,237,310 21,860,870 1,422,190 2.33 3 05/09/24 12/19/24
Alien (Dave) 10,191,925 10,191,925.0 13,159,120 7,224,730 2.5 2 05/18/23 08/17/23
Attack from Mars (Bob's) 341,231,900 341,231,900 341,231,900 341,231,900 1.0 1 07/06/23 07/06/23
Batman 66 (Dana) 142,208,025 142,208,025.0 234,551,250 49,864,800 3.0 2 07/20/23 11/07/24
Batman 66 (Dave) 20,592,910 20,592,910 20,592,910 20,592,910 4.0 1 08/17/23 08/17/23
Beatles (Dave) 1,354,860 1,354,860 1,354,860 1,354,860 2.0 1 05/18/23 05/18/23
Beatles Premium (LUPB) 1,345,320 1,345,320.0 1,527,280 1,163,360 2.0 2 08/03/23 05/16/24
Bond 60 (Dave) 1,383 1,383 1,383 1,383 1.0 1 01/02/25 01/02/25
Bride of Pinbot (Canal) 1,391,420 1,391,420 1,391,420 1,391,420 2.0 1 01/11/24 01/11/24
Cactus Canyon (Canal) 6,003,620 6,003,620 6,003,620 6,003,620 1.0 1 02/08/24 02/08/24
Cactus Canyon (Dave) 6,796,585 6,796,585.0 8,867,640 4,725,530 2.0 2 08/17/23 02/22/24
Cactus Canyon (LUPB) 18,305,240 18,305,240.0 25,116,460 11,494,020 2.0 2 05/16/24 05/23/24
Captain Fantastic (Jeff) 64,975 64,975.0 81,860 48,090 4.0 2 04/27/23 07/13/23
Circus Voltaire (Dana) 14,742,595 14,742,595.0 22,975,840 6,509,350 3.0 2 07/20/23 06/13/24
Dead Pool (Dave) 11,053,250 11,053,250.0 22,106,500 0 1.5 2 08/24/23 01/18/24
Dead Pool Pro (Jeff) 36,953,670 36,953,670 36,953,670 36,953,670 1.0 1 07/13/23 07/13/23
Deadly Weapon (Dana) 6,556,985 6,556,985.0 8,289,390 4,824,580 4.0 2 02/15/24 04/25/24
Dialed In (Dana) 77,890 77,890 77,890 77,890 1.0 1 04/06/23 04/06/23
Doctor Who! (RW) 11,575,760 11,575,760 11,575,760 11,575,760 1.0 1 11/21/24 11/21/24
Drained! (Dave) 0 0 0 0 1.0 1 08/24/23 08/24/23
Elton John (Dave) 17,003,440 17,003,440.0 29,703,830 4,303,050 2.5 2 06/06/24 10/24/24
Elvira's House of Horrors (Dave) 7,810,565 7,810,565.0 15,621,130 0 1.5 2 08/17/23 08/24/23
Elvis (Canal) 2,152,480 2,152,480 2,152,480 2,152,480 1.0 1 05/25/23 05/25/23
Foo Fighters (Dave) 127,040,010 127,040,010 127,040,010 127,040,010 4.0 1 10/24/24 10/24/24
Foo Fighters (LUPB) 62,103,730 62,103,730 62,103,730 62,103,730 4.0 1 02/01/24 02/01/24
Foo Fighters Pro (Canal) 82,120,932 84,220,865.0 92,975,800 67,066,200 4.0 4 08/09/23 11/14/24
Game of Thrones (Dave) 208,524,400 208,524,400 208,524,400 208,524,400 4.0 1 04/13/23 04/13/23
Getaway (Dana) 42,689,050 42,689,050.0 51,097,910 34,280,190 3.0 2 02/29/24 06/13/24
Ghostbusters Pro (LUPB) 77,578,905 77,578,905.0 81,739,520 73,418,290 3.0 2 02/01/24 05/23/24
Gladiators (Dana) 178,781,090 178,781,090.0 338,441,070 19,121,110 2.5 2 01/25/24 12/12/24
Godzilla (Canal) 69,066,770 69,066,770.0 83,520,270 54,613,270 3.0 2 08/09/23 11/14/24
Godzilla (Randy) 25,816,300 25,816,300 25,816,300 25,816,300 1.0 1 04/20/23 04/20/23
Godzilla LE (Dave) 17,974,150 17,974,150 17,974,150 17,974,150 2.0 1 06/06/24 06/06/24
Godzilla Premium (Dana) 81,371,225 81,371,225.0 145,839,600 16,902,850 1.5 2 04/06/23 06/13/24
Godzilla Premium (LUPB) 145,467,525 145,467,525.0 261,105,690 29,829,360 3.0 2 08/03/23 05/16/24
Gold Wings (Dana) 2,105,963 1,952,905.0 3,357,230 1,207,760 3.17 6 01/25/24 12/12/24
Guardians of the Galaxy (Dave) 231,096,745 231,096,745.0 244,324,320 217,869,170 3.5 2 05/18/23 01/02/25
Heavy Metal (RW) 3,647,900 3,647,900 3,647,900 3,647,900 3.0 1 11/21/24 11/21/24
Hot Wheels (Dave) 67,203,675 67,203,675.0 75,609,110 58,798,240 2.5 2 04/13/23 01/02/25
Iron Maiden Premium (LUPB) 103,316,340 103,316,340 103,316,340 103,316,340 3.0 1 08/03/23 08/03/23
Iron Maiden Pro (Canal) 141,894,050 141,894,050.0 279,846,530 3,941,570 2.5 2 01/11/24 05/30/24
Iron Man (Canal) 2,932,360 2,932,360 2,932,360 2,932,360 1.0 1 08/09/23 08/09/23
James Bond Premium (LUPB) 102,442,605 102,442,605.0 127,154,320 77,730,890 4.0 2 08/03/23 02/01/24
Jaws LE (Dana) 89,735,710 89,735,710.0 110,974,170 68,497,250 2.0 2 11/07/24 12/12/24
Jaws LE (Dave) 178,445,690 178,445,690 178,445,690 178,445,690 3.0 1 10/24/24 10/24/24
John Wick LE (Dave) 62,564,460 62,564,460 62,564,460 62,564,460 4.0 1 06/06/24 06/06/24
Jurassic Park (Canal) 26,259,000 26,259,000.0 38,456,080 14,061,920 1.5 2 02/08/24 12/19/24
Jurassic Park (Dana) 106,583,100 77,319,520 176,461,210 65,968,570 3.0 3 01/25/24 12/12/24
Jurassic Park (Randy) 20,167,910 20,167,910 20,167,910 20,167,910 1.0 1 04/20/23 04/20/23
Jurassic Park Pro (Bob's) 66,786,125 66,786,125.0 103,646,100 29,926,150 2.5 2 05/04/23 07/06/23
Jurassic Park Pro (LUPB) 16,494,090 16,494,090 16,494,090 16,494,090 1.0 1 05/23/24 05/23/24
Kiss (Canal) 49,610,805 49,610,805.0 71,940,890 27,280,720 3.0 2 02/08/24 05/09/24
Led Zepplin (Dave) 62,621,270 62,621,270 62,621,270 62,621,270 3.0 1 05/02/24 05/02/24
Legends of Valhalla (Dave) 5,712,740 5,712,740.0 6,023,050 5,402,430 4.0 2 01/18/24 01/09/25
Legends of Valhalla (LUPB) 2,440,070 2,440,070 2,440,070 2,440,070 4.0 1 05/16/24 05/16/24
MEtallica (Dave) 157,555,730 157,555,730 157,555,730 157,555,730 4.0 1 01/09/25 01/09/25
Mandalorian (Dave) 207,841,110 207,841,110.0 313,450,210 102,232,010 3.5 2 02/22/24 05/02/24
Mata Hari (Bob's) 64,595 64,595.0 65,640 63,550 3.5 2 05/04/23 07/06/23
Medieval Madness (Dana) 25,362,193 25,857,450 38,553,130 11,676,000 3.0 3 04/06/23 02/29/24
Medieval Madness (James) 6,507,100 6,507,100 6,507,100 6,507,100 2.0 1 05/11/23 05/11/23
Medieval Madness (Randy) 5,437,350 5,437,350 5,437,350 5,437,350 1.0 1 04/20/23 04/20/23
Metallica (James) 11,718,670 11,718,670 11,718,670 11,718,670 3.0 1 05/11/23 05/11/23
Munsters Pro (LUPB) 13,096,160 13,096,160 13,096,160 13,096,160 4.0 1 02/01/24 02/01/24
Pinbot (Canal) 960,375 960,375.0 1,300,960 619,790 3.0 2 05/30/24 12/19/24
Pulp Fiction (Canal) 6,638,360 6,638,360 6,638,360 6,638,360 4.0 1 11/14/24 11/14/24
Road Show (James) 299,293,890 299,293,890.0 450,323,510 148,264,270 3.5 2 05/11/23 07/27/23
Roller Coaster Tycoon (RW) 2,775,050 2,775,050 2,775,050 2,775,050 3.0 1 11/21/24 11/21/24
Rush (James) 96,345,240 96,345,240 96,345,240 96,345,240 3.0 1 07/27/23 07/27/23
Rush LE (Dana) 35,096,900 35,096,900 35,096,900 35,096,900 3.0 1 04/25/24 04/25/24
Rush Premium (Jeff) 52,328,360 52,328,360 52,328,360 52,328,360 4.0 1 04/27/23 04/27/23
Scared Stiff (Dana) 3,280,800 3,556,655.0 4,522,170 1,487,720 2.25 4 07/20/23 11/07/24
Scared Stiff (Jeff) 5,582,770 5,582,770 5,582,770 5,582,770 3.0 1 04/27/23 04/27/23
Shadow (Bob's) 186,258,330 186,258,330 186,258,330 186,258,330 4.0 1 05/04/23 05/04/23
Spirit (Dana) 460,010 460,010 460,010 460,010 4.0 1 01/25/24 01/25/24
Star Trek (Canal) 2,797,185 2,797,185.0 2,925,950 2,668,420 1.0 2 05/25/23 01/11/24
Star Trek (Dana) 6,697,605 6,697,605.0 7,456,630 5,938,580 1.0 2 04/06/23 06/13/24
Star Wars (Dave) 120,431,180 120,431,180 120,431,180 120,431,180 3.0 1 02/22/24 02/22/24
Star Wars Data East (Jeff) 7,610,950 7,610,950 7,610,950 7,610,950 1.0 1 07/13/23 07/13/23
Star Wars Pro (LUPB) 352,622,790 352,622,790 352,622,790 352,622,790 3.0 1 05/23/24 05/23/24
Stranger Things (Canal) 69,528,930 45,435,750 138,137,820 25,013,220 2.33 3 05/25/23 12/19/24
Stranger Things (Dave) 81,200,680 81,200,680.0 96,419,710 65,981,650 2.0 2 04/13/23 01/02/25
The Addams Family (Jeff) 68,648,155 68,648,155.0 77,719,780 59,576,530 3.5 2 04/27/23 07/13/23
The Godfather LE (Dave) 3,936,230 3,936,230.0 4,686,627 3,185,833 2.5 2 01/18/24 02/22/24
The Mandalorian (RW) 115,488,230 115,488,230 115,488,230 115,488,230 4.0 1 11/21/24 11/21/24
The WIzard of OZ (James) 18,327 18,327 18,327 18,327 4.0 1 05/11/23 05/11/23
The Walking Dead (Dave) 34,729,280 34,729,280.0 58,945,430 10,513,130 3.0 2 05/02/24 01/09/25
Theatre of Magic (Dana) 124,805,190 124,805,190 124,805,190 124,805,190 1.0 1 04/25/24 04/25/24
Toy Story 4 (James) 1,829,870 1,829,870 1,829,870 1,829,870 4.0 1 07/27/23 07/27/23
Twilight Zone (Randy) 28,070,560 28,070,560 28,070,560 28,070,560 1.0 1 04/20/23 04/20/23
Ultraman Kaiju Rumble! (Dave) 42,187,830 42,187,830 42,187,830 42,187,830 3.0 1 01/09/25 01/09/25
Uncanny X-Men LE (Dave) 134,471,990 134,471,990 134,471,990 134,471,990 4.0 1 10/24/24 10/24/24
Venom LE (Dave) 196,684,560 170,428,770 364,857,590 54,767,320 4.0 3 01/18/24 06/06/24
Willy Wonka (Canal) 1,424,085 1,424,085.0 2,536,530 311,640 4.0 2 05/09/24 05/30/24
Willy Wonka (James) 38,260 38,260 38,260 38,260 1.0 1 07/27/23 07/27/23
World Cup Soccer '94 (Bob's) 460,372,655 460,372,655.0 794,170,220 126,575,090 2.5 2 05/04/23 07/06/23
You only live twice 007 ( Canal) 9,937,780 9,937,780.0 11,542,400 8,333,160 1.5 2 01/11/24 02/08/24